Hello everyone!
Now it's time for some updates.
I'll start telling you about when me and my friend Lojjan went to lunch to eat the best food in the world - sushi.
It was a very beautiful day with the sun shining at our faces and we had a nice talk in the sun, with no worries.
Thank you Lojsis :)
Stockholm with some great girls in my class...
This trip was a pre-taste on how fun it'll be when we go tp Cyprus all of us together. We had a lot of fun and I think I've never laughed as much as I did when Lojjan screamed like a man when we hit a rollercoaster named "The wild mouse". An other rollercoaster named "Insane" was also a lot of crazy fun wich I think we joined like a million times.
We was also at Arlanda which was very interesting.
On our way to where we were going to sleep, we had some bears and just enjoyes beeing somewehere else then Karlstad. I really like Stockholm.
So... thanks everyone, I had a great time, and I just can't wait til weäre heading to Cyprus!
We had so much fun there in Stockholm!
Nu är jag hem kommen från Rhodos!
Hoppas du får en bra resa du med och att vi hinner ses någonting nu under sommarlovet! <3
Ja jag har verkligen njutit av alla delikatesser (det känns nu när man har kommit hem haha)
Ja men vad bra!! =)det kan vi göra vettu! Jag har en egen bana som vi kan försöka oss på att springa och den är verkligen en utmaning ;)