I haven't write here for a while now because I'm very busy almost all day long, every day.
This weekend we went to a place called Branäs, to celebrate a swedish tradition called midsummer.
Me, Jannis, Henka, Sara, Lisa, Elin, Daniel (som neighburs from gothenburg, Johanna and Sebbe), and then it was my grans and my mother and her boyfriend.
I had a lot of fun!
You'll get some updates and fotos, that I've got a lot of from the weekend!
Of course there's also the worlds championchip in soccer, which means that I spend a lot of time in front of the TV. GO GERMANY AND SPAIN!
And something else, very much worth to say is that I've start a new work, at the firestation where I learn kids how to act if there's a fire or anything else that might be good to know in life.
It's awesome!
Hello everyone!
Now it's time for some updates.
I'll start telling you about when me and my friend Lojjan went to lunch to eat the best food in the world - sushi.
It was a very beautiful day with the sun shining at our faces and we had a nice talk in the sun, with no worries.
Thank you Lojsis :)
Stockholm with some great girls in my class...
This trip was a pre-taste on how fun it'll be when we go tp Cyprus all of us together. We had a lot of fun and I think I've never laughed as much as I did when Lojjan screamed like a man when we hit a rollercoaster named "The wild mouse". An other rollercoaster named "Insane" was also a lot of crazy fun wich I think we joined like a million times.
We was also at Arlanda which was very interesting.
On our way to where we were going to sleep, we had some bears and just enjoyes beeing somewehere else then Karlstad. I really like Stockholm.
So... thanks everyone, I had a great time, and I just can't wait til weäre heading to Cyprus!
I owe my brother-in-law an apology since he became 20 years old last wednesday.
Congrats to you my little bobo-bro! ♥
...this, folks, is a very beautiful family-pic!
me, my boyfriend and his little brother
I'm so happy that you were the one to find me once, now two years later you're family with a ginger! Who could know? :) During theese years, we've had our fights but we've had even more great times and now we have a lot of great and funny memories that we can look back to with a smile on our faces.
Once we had a big fight, and when we made up, you gave me a Ben n Jerrys - cookie dough wich means, that you sometimes know me ever better then your brother know me :) Ironic.
You are family and a best friend, a relation that hopefully will last for the rest of our lifes.
You're a great person that has the gift to make people including me, to laugh and this is also what you do best. So... you Stilo, from the bottom of my heart, desurves the best and I actually think you've find it cause your new family, except your blood family (and me), they're really great and I love them and of course I also consider them as my family now.
Hope you had the best b-day ever!
Swenglish, a fresh start
This is not an update, it's only a message for everyone that read my blog.
From now on, I'm going to start to write in english (as mush as possible) so not only swedish people can read.
There'll probably be a lot of embarrising wrong spelling words and grammatics, but hopefully I'll learn by my misstakes :P
Welcome to my new Swenglish blog everyone!
Såhär är det, min dator är lite trött på livet, så DÄRFÖR kan jag inte skriva om hur underbart det faktiskt är just nu, men jag LOVAR att jag ska försöka blogga från Jannis dator vilket innebär att ni inte kommer kunna att få ALLA OTROLIG ROLIGA OCH VIDEOS OCH FINA BILDER, men så många som möjligt.
Ni och jag, har mycket att ta igen...
- Sushi med Lojjan
- Stockholm med brudar jag gillar
- Skolavslutning
- Studentfest på nöjes (som var det mest galna jag varit med om dessutom)
- Bryggsegling med LLL och massa annat nytt, härligt folk
- Myspyskväll med Jannis och egengjord rosépeppargryta
finns förmodligen mer, men detta dök upp i mitt huvud nu och är sådant som får dyka upp i huvudet när jag vill tänka på något skoj.